
The story begins when Hiromichi Kojima, the star batter of the fictional Lycaons in Japans Pacific League, heads to the southern Japanese island of Okinawa to train and bring himself out of a slump. There, he meet T?a Tokuchi, a 134-kmph (83 miles per hour) pitcher and the undisputed king of a gambling form of baseball called "One Out." At Kojimas urging, Tokuchi signs up with the Lycaons under an unusual contract: he gets 5,000,000 yen (about US$46,000) for every out he pitches, but loses 50,000,000 yen (US$460,000) for every point he gives up.

Eri Inui is a 20-year-old college student aspiring to become a mangaka. She has been following this dream ever since she was little and has been the best artist among all her friends. But she still has not found a publisher willing to take her under her wing.

One day, however, Souta Inuzaki, the son of a distant relative, comes to live with Eri and her mother. Souta is an aspiring violinist and has come to Tokyo to practice. Eri sees a lot of herself in the young Souta. But how will she deal with a 13-year-old boy following his dreams and going through puberty?

dapted from the doujinshi series of the same name, The Sister of the Woods with a Thousand Young is a heart-warming story of how a neglected orphan, Yuu, has been blessed with the offering of a free wish by a demon, and he simply asks her to become his older sister.

Shiori was once a guitarist in a light music club in high school but her first live performance was dashed when her brother ran away from home with a lot of debt, to become a musician in Tokyo.
A decade later, Shiori is now a high school teacher, leading a boring, uneventful life and paying off the debt... till she runs into the ghost of none other than famous guitarist Jimi Hendrix.
The story of a 27-year-old woman on her way to becoming a music legend begins here.

With a smile, the winds and thunder tremble, with anger, the oceans chill; With one hand I pierce the skies, with one sword I danced the day. One man, one sword, transcending the Nine Heavens!

Follow the life of cat-girl Kurona and her friends as they meet other monsters, demons and spirits - learning how to deal with them...and with humans!

In Hokkaido, the far northern lands of Japan, Sugimoto survived the Russo-Japanese war of the Meiji era. Nicknamed "Invincible Sugimoto" during the war, he now seeks the riches promised by the gold rush in hopes of saving the widowed wife of his now deceased comrade from the war. During his hunt of gold, he finds hints of a hidden stash of gold by corrupt criminals. Partnering with an Ainu girl that saves his life from the harsh climates of the north, they venture into a survival adventure to race against the criminals that seek the hidden stash.

One day the earth was invaded by extra-dimensional beings known as The Nova. Using manufactured tissue called Stigmata and branding it into their bodies, a new breed of female warriors was born.These girls possessed the ability to call forth powerful weapons and abilities that far exceeded normal humans. Taking a younger boy as a partner, the two fought as a pair of combatants. These girls are also the only power on earth that have the power to resist the Novas freezing effect. Mankind has come to call these girls...

Growing up in 17th century Sengoku era Japan, Shinmen Takezou is shunned by the local villagers as a devil child due to his wild and violent nature. Running away from home with a fellow boy at age 17, Takezou joins the Toyotomi army to fight the Tokugawa clan at the battle of Sekigahara. However, the Tokugawa win a crushing victory, leading to nearly three hundred years of Shogunate rule. Takezou and his friend manage to survive the battle, and afterwards swear to do great things with their lives.

The land of dreams, Dreamland, really exists. At night, when people sleep, they enter in Dreamland as Dreamers and dont remember what happened in their sleep. But sometimes, by overcoming their fear, they can become Travellers whose obtain the power to act on Dreamland and remember it.
The story takes place in the beautiful city of Montpellier, France. Terence is an high school student who dreams about the fire which kills his mom a few years ago. Since this event, his most fear is the fire. But in this dream, he overcomes his fear and learns to manipulate fire.